Fascinating. People for the American Way is deploying an experimental technology for the filibuster showdown in the U.S. Senate: braodcast text messaging.
They're asking their supporters to disclose their cell phone numbers, and promising to instantly blast out a text message when Senator Bill Frist invokes the "nuclear option" on the filibuster.
With the Nuclear Option’s timing in Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist’s hands, there won’t be enough warning to send out an email alert the moment he drops the bomb on the Senate. But we can deliver a text message straight to your mobile that embeds a Senate phone number based on your state.By giving us your cell phone number, we will text message you as soon as Senate Republicans trigger the "nuclear option." Embedded in that text message will be a link to the Senate switchboard. With the push of a couple buttons, your call – along with thousands of others – goes right through to the corridors of power demanding preservation of the filibuster.
Previously on P&T:
Street Protests Go High Tech
Jon Stahl: "The fundamentals are pretty simple — I predict it won’t be long before grassroots groups are doing this with open-source software like Asterisk"
Hullaballoo: "This the first time flash mob technology's been used for political purposes. Which means it's just cute enough to get some press."
Open Democracy: "I think some might call it cyberterrorism. It's a new technology that enables thousands of people to ring the US Senate from their cell phones at the same time. Forget the steady trickle of email and phone calls. Sometimes you need to act fast."
Posted on May 15, 2005 in backend systems, grassroots organizing | See full archives