The Oregon League of Conservation Voters PAC noticed an astonishing thing. A handful of candidates running in Oregon had all received massive funding -- as much as $1 of every $3 raised -- from companies (and executives of those companies) that had been fined for violating environmental laws, and from the PACs that defend pro-polluter legislation.
So, with our help, they launched a website - - that highlights the specific donations that those candidates have taken. The candidates are all in highly competitive legislative races, plus gubernatorial candidate Ron Saxton.
We're promoting the site with the full complement of search ads, blog ads, and banner ads.
The banner ads are running on over a dozen targeted newspaper websites. Check out a sample banner ad. And here's sample in-story ad:
The search ads are appearing on Google (and via Google's contextual content network) on relevant search terms - so that voters searching for information about these candidates (and some that aren't) will learn the truth. Here's a sample:
The blog ads are running on progressive blogs across Oregon - as a way to inform activists what OLCV-PAC is doing and encourage them to tell their friends. A couple of samples:
Posted on November 1, 2006 in self-promotion, advertising, cool websites, generating traffic, GOPWatch, search engine strategy | See full archives